Corbin Visual x Argos Cheerleaders
A happy creative professional is one who is empowered to explore their limits and break new mental, emotional and creative ground. And while much can be achieved by leveraging existing technologies, need to dig a little deeper. Corbin Visual is pleased to showcase the first and only modular 360 degree portrait camera in Canada, a depth enhanced simulation of variable-speed action - a combination of robotic engineering and cutting edge camera technologies. The last time you saw this effect was probably in the original Matrix film, when Neo remarkably bends over backwards to dodge bullets.
Shots and angles historically reserved to multi-million dollar hollywood blockbusters are becoming more accessible than ever before. I have some work to do still to achieve the look you see here, but...we're getting there. In order to show off our new 360 Degree camera, we teamed up with our friends on the Argo Cheer squad to feature the cheerleaders as they've never been seen before. I think we look swag AF too.
Instagram Activation
@argoscheer were looking to add a unique spark to engage their instagram following, and connected with us to produce unique cheerleader profiles. Once we realized how amazing these were going to be, we couldn't help but get in on the fun!
360 Camera in Full Production
For a more comprehensive look at the camera's application in the context of a full video production, the Argos Cheer Squad gives us a unique glimpse into what goes into preparation for game day in #GameReady. If you're interested in what this exciting tool can provide for your brand activation, film or video, drop me a line...and when i'm finished capturing my 360 degree self in all my glory, ill get write back to you. For a speedier response, please call my office 416 966 5300 :)
If you enjoyed this post and/or our 360 content, please give us a 'heart' below, we love you long time.